Saturday, May 7, 2011

Mother's Day

Today May 8, 2011 is Mother’s Day. I just wanted to write a few word for all the women who became mother’s either by giving birth or taking on the roll through adoption or foster care or what ever the circumstance. Bless each and every one of you.

Through your actions of showing love, guiding young life to adulthood, giving them values and beliefs to stand for molds the future of our world. Little by little everyday a mother gives something of herself to make sure her children are taken care of before themselves. Some give their time to go back to school so they can make a better life for their family. Some cook and clean to provide a healthy environment for their children. Most if not all don’t give this a second thought. It is what has to be done because that’s what their mother’s did for them.

I can’t count the number of things my mother must have given up for me. A child born crippled and had to have extra care. The nights of lost sleep to make sure I could sleep. The surgeries that worried her or the time spent taking me back and forth to the Dr’s appointments. My mother was a strong woman and as she said made from strong stock hearing the stories of her mother. My mom, all moms’ is what holds a family together. She learns through time how to keep siblings from killing one another. She learns how to show each child one on one attention without making the others feel left out.

Mom is who makes the boo boo’s go away. We may fight with them and think we know better. We may roll our eye when they give unasked for advice, but the truth is we all know in our hearts they are most of the time right. I know mine was more than just a few times.

So to all of you I raise my glass and toast you for being who you are, the strong women who took on the roll of mother.

Sidney Tucker

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